Everything you need to know about parkour

Lappset is committed to develop Parkour in France and it enables us to work closely with all the local players. One of the important partners is a parkour association called ADD Academy Finistère in the eastern part of France in Breton. There are five ADD academies in France: Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Finistère. Alessandro […]
Outdoor gym trends of 2022

After last couple of years, we are all eager to welcome an albeit slower return to normal. While gyms and sports halls are still somewhat struggling to get their feet back under them, outdoor sports facilities and training equipment have leapt to the forefront of exercise; with many new products and innovations taking the world’s […]
Playing and learning go hand in hand

Playing promotes learning by stimulating the entire body and leaving a memory of the learning experience in the nervous system. The physical activity involved in playing boosts memory and teaches creative thinking. Children should ideally be consulted on playground designs ” Children should ideally be consulted on playground designs” – Pirkko Siklander, 2019 “Playing is […]
Five steps to a fun, inspiring and active outdoor area for all ages

Are you designing an activity area? Here are the best five tips to consider, when starting the design work. 1. A natural way to design playgrounds and other outdoor activity areas should be to make them inclusive. Children and adults with different physique and abilities need to be considered in all design aspects, whether they […]
How to use gaming to get people active!

Product designer Rob Tuitert from Yalp, Lappset`s subsidiary in The Netherlands, tells about his visions of digital play. “But when everyone is blaming computer games for a lot of things, I turn into defence mode. Computer games succeed in some things that playground designers, and parents, dream of. What if we could take these aspects, […]
Fitness sport equipment covers it all

Use your own bodyweight for building up strength and stamina – outdoors! Fitness enthusiasts and athletes have noticed that you can train quite intensively using your own bodyweight. Bodyweight training (also known as calisthenics) is a great fitness sport also in the sense that you can begin your exercise whenever there is proper sport equipment available. In Lappset Fitness areas, […]